Matchbox Isle V7.3

  • Matchbox Isle V7.3
  • Matchbox Isle V7.3
  • Matchbox Isle V7.3
  • Matchbox Isle V7.3
  • Matchbox Isle V7.3

UNKNOWNS 6364 Views ~ Posted 18-05-2015

1 Comment 3.x.x License

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Matchbox Isle Is now on the steam workshop!! Go Support it here!!!

Hello! My map is called Matchbox Isle. And its a Highly detailed large map with all houses completely furnished like people would actually live there! The focus behind this map is making something actually PLAYABLE in Unturned 3.0 (Unlike Canada)

some Public Server exsist on the Unturned 3.0 Steam Server list In-Game, There are more then one so im not sure which one ill be on, but good luck :D
This map was originally planned to be me and my friends could play Unturned 3.0 when it came out, but with nelson expanding more and more on what he wants to have in 3.0 I've decided to release my map to see what other people think of it!
Each home is UNIQUELY furnished so its not ever copied and pasted around the map, i spent a long time furnishing each home and building!

V4.0 The "overhaul update" change log: 4.0 change log. COMPLETELY redid the towns of...Polymnia,Grasshom,Ionia,Matches and Jebville. Added a shooting range near Baker's Farm. Added Baker's Farm, Matteo's farm and Augustus's Family farm. Added a bridge over Whitefish Creek, added a bridge between Roddy island (Main island) and PolyMinora island to connect the 2 parts of Polymnia. Added a Quartine zone to separate Grasshom from Eittiw. Made grasshom AMAZING. Deleted all custom models. Massivly changed the mountains and terrain to accommodate all the changes. Added all the new items. Added Mega Zombies. Added the new Vehicles. Added double-story cafes and clothes stores to Polymnia, Jebville and Ionia. Completely re-did my bridge design. Moved 7x scope and replaced it with 8x scope in the Milita category.

Disclaimer: ALL houses (exempt the ones that aren't supposed to) have internals (Beds,counters,spawns,ect) in them!
The map size is Large, so a lot to explore ;)

This is a beta test of my latest build. Some parts of the map are not complete and a lot of the locations will be worked on. Some places (The army base and Airport) Will not be worked on until nelson adds the rest of the Objects. The bulk of the Overhaul is done! Will be working on the map by adding spawns and more details but really won't be changing the towns as much :)

Help me out by donating 2.00!

New FAQ:

Q: How long did it take to make this map?
A: Around 388 Hours. Yes, almost 2 weeks of play time.
Q: What is the "Armored Fence" Between Eittiw and Grasshom?
A: Grasshom is supposed to be a Abandoned town, It was abandoned because of the Zombie virus and the military tired to quarantine the virus... It didn't work.
Q: What is the Perrson Bridge made out of?
A: Its made of the "Road line" Objects and the holes are made of "Tunnel Line" objects.
Q: Why did you make a map when there is a In game map already?
A: The map (Matchbox Isle Legacy) was posted about a week before nelson made in-game maps a thing, so in my current beta i decided to follow tradition and make a easy to read map for Out - Of - Game.
Q: Why did you start this "Overhaul"?
A: Just like nelson with his reason for 3.0 but only a couple differences. I found to many problems with the map and i felt it was WAY to close to P.E.I (The map's Inspiration).
Finally, the most asked question....
Q: Do you have problems/Jealous of the map makers of "Quarter City" and Wicker Ville"?
A: Not at all! Both are GREAT map makers and should be praised for their efforts. Ill admit I'm jealous of the "Quarter City" map because of how much detail it has and i wish i could do something like that on a larger scale. But my computer simply can't handle more then about 40,000 objects so its simply not an option.

Please leave feed back and if you wish, email me at: Follow me on Twitter!


Mod Made By Storm_epidemic
If you are the creator of this content and wish to upload it onto Unturned-Planet under your own name then please do & this one will be removed.


HZYL22 5 years ago

wow,is good maps!