Unturned 2.0 Pack v1.1

  • Unturned 2.0 Pack v1.1
  • Unturned 2.0 Pack v1.1
  • Unturned 2.0 Pack v1.1
  • Unturned 2.0 Pack v1.1
  • Unturned 2.0 Pack v1.1

UNKNOWNS 4485 Views ~ Posted 06-06-2015

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1067 Download

Hello all! I'm pretty sure we all miss the good old guns from 2.0 and how awesome they were! So i give to you, three rifles from Unturned 2.0. If this gets 100 downloads i will try to add the makers of the Uzy and Matamorez packs to create a big pack with all the Unturned 2.0 weapons in it!

This pack includes 7 items and 1 new Vehicle:

Bonjour clip : 1001

Half- Circle Sight : 1002

Outfield : 1003

Mosen : 1004

Swissgewehr: 1005

6X scope : 1006

Proninety: 1007

PDW Mag: 1008

Ambulance: 60

Enjoy everyone!!

All these guns have the perks and range of the 2.0 guns scaled to the new 3.0 damage and RPM system!!


Mod Made By Storm_epidemic
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