Mars : Valles Marineris

  • Mars : Valles Marineris
  • Mars : Valles Marineris
  • Mars : Valles Marineris
  • Mars : Valles Marineris

NaathaaN 1864 Views ~ Posted 22-05-2015

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The Mission Mars One has for objective to send 4 first people on Mars,in order to colonize the red planet. The 4 first travelers should land on Mars in 2026,and then,every two years,4 new persons will arrive. You are one of these 4 first persons to walk on this planet. But you had some unknowns problems when you had to land,and eventualy,everyone survived but your ship landed some hundreds of kilometers further,near of the famous Valles Marineris. Then ,2 years after your landing,the second crew arrived,composed of 4 new persons (2 females and 2 males). That's why you think you are ready to explore this misterious place. Valles Marineris is a giant break which can be 600 km of thickness and 10 km of depth,so be realy careful when you ascend or descend somewhere! (obviously , I can't make a 10 km depth and 600 km thickness break in the game xD). This is a large map but not at all a remake of real place. There are 9 places on this map ,plus your base, and I think this is enought for this kind of map.


I hope you will like it ;D If you want to make your journey more real , you can lower the sounds. I do not want to show more on screenshots because you have to explore the unknown. Remember your real objective : Colonize Mars! Enjoy! And do not forget to leave your feedback ;)

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