The Maze

  • The Maze

NaathaaN 2128 Views ~ Posted 22-05-2015

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This is mainly a PVP map that I have created when I had no connection , and I didn't have during 2 months , so I had something to do. I never shared this map because I didn't know the existence of this workshop . Becareful , this might be 2spooky4u because the night is very dark , with a lot of fog.

Also I will add Differents team spawners if Nelson add them to the game , there are only 4 players spawners so far(1 in each corners ), but you can play this map with your friends .(I am sorry if you do not own friends)


You are lost on an island which was infected by scorpi... Oh no, wait, this is the same things that everyone say in all these maps . Here is the real scenario : You are lost in a giant ****(****=Maze) created to be played on (Best scenario ever).

Have fun ! (Lol I do not care if you don't )

Also , Important imformation , I returned the map on Tab .

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