Rabbithole [Finished] V.1.5 - [!Updated!]
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21070 Download
Rabbithole V.1.5, a custom map for Unturned
by Rabbit
Very detailled, very large, cool locations!
NEEDED MODS (Check out and subscribe, on the Unturned Workshop on Steam)
- Fiff's Objects
- Fiffs Weapons
- Gold Standard
- More Military Clothes
- Standalone Ghillies
- RWK CLOTHING Shrinker v2
- Tactical Camo for guns
- Paper Money
Support Me!
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You can also donate, if you want to see more quality content, or just got too much money:
http://madrabbit.npage.de/ [Paypal]
THE XD MASTER 7 years ago
what happens if i use the map without the mods XD
Deffeh Artz 9 years ago
Nicee :D
parichat 9 years ago
Is it possible for this map to play multiple players? I've founded some bugs like monsters walk in the air or some go through the Castlerabbitstein's features
Ps. I use hamachi to connect together and I download all important Mods must be included from both this website and steam workshop
Rabbit 9 years ago
Really sorry, that i have abandonned this site, for so long.
Even though the newest version had been out, since a while on Steam-Workshop.
Still going to post it here.
Also going to add a list, of needed mods, for this map.
And you all can prepare for a last update in the coming days / week.
2013mryan 10 years ago
This is an incredibly great map but i am finding many glitched building ex at Castle Rabbitstein and others is this from my side or from yours?
DA_PIG 10 years ago
Nevermind I found the entrances! Great map!!!
DA_PIG 10 years ago
Hi, just wondering whether the lighthouse in the safe shop area is possible to get into...?
Hunterz221 10 years ago
Just one question, does this work with a 3.0 server?
DABRIT 10 years ago
@BalbyX , The Download file has now been fix and working.
BalbyX 10 years ago
Hi Rabbit, The Download file is dead so if you can fix it, it'll be perfect ! :)
3Runner 10 years ago
I play with my friend on this map and we want to enter in the safe shop area but we can't go to the guns, is it possible ? (sorry if I have a bad english Im french)
DABRIT 10 years ago
Have you updated this to Unity 5?
@doomboy27 use winrar to unzip it.
doomboy27 10 years ago
listen when i download the map it downloads as a .rar file can some one help me please
PyttFall 10 years ago
Thank you
Rabbit 10 years ago
Thank you, Sir! : )
@Hybrid Gaming:
Also thank you very much ^^
What Dabrit wrote, sums it up pretty good : )
As i was rather busy at work, or was only looking at the Steam-Workshop, i forgot to edit in some additions to this map. Map-Profile therefore updated.
DABRIT 10 years ago
@PyttFall , Just unzip the rar file and upload the Rabbithole folder into your C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonUnturned/Maps Folder , Start the game up and u will see the map inside the game.
PyttFall 10 years ago
When I download this map iit will appear as a VLC and I can't convert it to a folder so i can install it on Unturned. Can you please fix the downloader or tell me how to download properly!!!???
Hybrid Gaming 10 years ago
DABRIT 10 years ago
@Rabbit , Your Map has been approved.
If you get time any chance you can add some more images of the map for others to see?