
  • FrozenLand

AndreiTKD 2155 Views ~ Posted 20-07-2015

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I will open an official server with this map!!!

Size: Large
Survival : HARD

Welcome to FrozenLand! This map contains 3 different zones ! (WIP)

Let's start with the grass zone : a zone where you have 80% chance -You won't find very good weapons like Maplestrike or Hawkhound in this zone.

The Gravel zone survival rate would be around 60% - The problems over here are the zombies and the suplies wich are hard to find , those factors will probaly ... but just probaly ... well ... kill you .

Winter Zone ... Well the chance of survival goes down to 30%-If you are a lucky guy or you are brave and ... crazy you will find some epic stuff ! Oh and i forgot to mention that ... the zombies will be a MEGA problem ... If you get what i mean ...

Added and made by Andrei-RO-

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DABRIT 9 years ago

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