Frenk-WWI And WWII Soldier Outfits V4.3.0.2

  • Frenk-WWI And WWII Soldier Outfits V4.3.0.2
  • Frenk-WWI And WWII Soldier Outfits V4.3.0.2
  • Frenk-WWI And WWII Soldier Outfits V4.3.0.2
  • Frenk-WWI And WWII Soldier Outfits V4.3.0.2
  • Frenk-WWI And WWII Soldier Outfits V4.3.0.2

Frenk.1999.98K 9875 Views ~ Posted 07-01-2016

2 Comments 3.x.x License

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2637 Download

13759 - 13783 / 16010 - 16011
From Now Uniforms Will Have Storage Slots
WWI Russian Uniform --> ID:13766
WWI British Uniform --> ID: 13773
WWI German Uniform --> ID: 13769
WWI Canadian Uniform --> ID: 13774
WWI American Uniform --> ID: 13776
WWI French Uniform --> ID: 3771
WWI Australian Uniform --> ID: 13764
WWII Italian Uniform --> ID: 13762
WWII German Uniform --> ID: 13759
WWII American Uniform --> ID: 13784
WWII British Uniform --> ID: 13785
WWI Italian Uniform --> ID: 13786

Gas Mask --> ID:13760

WWI and WWII British and Canadian Helmet --> ID: 13772
WWI German Helmet --> ID: 13768
WWI Australian Hat --> ID: 16012 (don't work)
WWI German Helmet 2 --> ID: 13767
WWI American Helmet --> ID: 13775
WWI French Helmet --> ID: 13770
WWII American Helmet --> ID: 13790
WWII German Helmet --> ID: 13789
WWI Italian Helmet --> ID:13787
WWII Italian Helmet --> ID:13788
WWI Russian Helmet --> ID: 13791

WWI American Rifle --> ID: 13777
WWI and WWII Canadian and British Rifle --> ID: 13778
WWI French Rifle --> ID: 13782
WWI and WWII German Rifle --> ID: 13780
WWI and WWII Italian Rifle --> ID: 13783

SubMachine Gun:
WWII Italian SubMachine Gun --> ID: 13781

Hand Guns:
WWI and WWII Luger --> ID: 16010
WWI Canadian, Australian, Brithish, French, Russian and WWII British Hand Gun --> ID: 16011

Frenk-WWI Objects
Frwnk-WWI PVP Map ( Link Soon )
Future Items:
WWI Mahine Guns
More WWII Uniforms and Guns
WWI and WWII HandGuns

helmets and gas mask are not remoovable (right now to take them of you have to click the icon in your inventory).
Uniforms if dropped desappare as the gas mask and the helmets.
Rifles cant be picked up if on ground.

super special thanks to TkiLler that helped me a lot :D
Special thanks to Dabrit for the 1.2 review video =)
thanks to chris972009 that helps me out with some problems.



Renato_Burgos 6 years ago

Para de unturned que version es, yo tengo la


soggyjhon 8 years ago

How Do I Instal These outfits? Im Lost